Online Games 32 Ranks and Points

You love OG32, OG32 loves you. We reward you points and ranks based on your positive activities on the website. Based on points you earned, you are given a rank. Below are the tables that explains the ranks and points you get with us.
  • Points

  • Event



  • Make the highest score on a game
    The number of points user scores on every high score posted.
  • Add new comment
    The number of points user scores on every new comment posted.
  • Rate a game
    The number of points user scores on every new rating posted.
  • Add a game to favorite
    The number of points user scores on every new game added in their favs.
  • Submit a score
    The number of points user scores on every new score posted.
  • Remove a game from favorite list
    The number of points user loses on every favorite game they remove from their fav list.
  • Making a spam/questionable comment
    The number of points user loses on every comment deleted/marked as spam by admin.
  • Ranks

  • Title



  • God 2.0
    You're the God of the future, the god of technology...the supreme master
  • Titan
    You're an unstoppable force, a demi-god...
  • Initiate
    You're on the right path, keep on playin'!
  • Warlord
    You are THE Warlord...people tremble at your sight!
  • Rookie
    Already gained some xp and you're becoming respectable!
  • Drone
    You are a newcomer, aiming to the top!
  • Broken
    Not getting anyware..are we?
  • Pariah
    Worse than a spammer!